Even organisations who, although they don’t see themselves as ‘doing development’, still customise and develop functionality based on MS SQL Server Database technology or MS Sharepoint Collaboration technology may find purchasing MSDN subscriptions can save money and reduce the risk of non-compliance. MSDN Subscriptions can be a very valuable benefit for organisations which develop applications using Microsoft products, their flexibility enables organisations to make the most of their developer resources to build and develop the applications they require. Sold as an adjunct to Microsoft’s development platform, Virtual Studio, the subscriptions provide additional rights to download and install other software as long as it is used for development purposes. This is the first of two articles that outline the key benefits and ‘gotchas’ of Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Subscriptions. Part One – Understanding your benefits and obligations Part Two – Maximise the benefits and minimise the risks.Part One – Understanding Your Benefits and Obligations.This article is the first part of a two part series: Regular columnist and Analyst at The ITAM Review. This article has been contributed by Kylie Fowler.